Open Call for Posters and Communications for the JAM 2017

Open Call for Posters and Communications for the JAM 2017

Call for Posters and Communications for the second Metadecidim Annual Conference (Jornades Anuals Metadecidim – JAM), the annual event of the community of Decidim, open until 15 de September 2017

Decidim is a digital infrastructure for political and democratic participation promoted by Barcelona City Council. It is an open source platform that hosts participatory processes, government strategic planning, citizen initiatives and other (self)governance services (online and offline).

II JAM will focus on Technologies for a network democracy, and will be held on October 26, 27 and 28, 2017 at Barcelona.

Topics of interest. Proposals for Posters and Communications of experiences (academic or not) are solicited in areas including digital infrastructures, the network democracy,  and the analysis of them, within a theoretical, methodological, case or more experimental dimension. This includes several related issues, such as:

  •  Digital and free infrastructures for participatory democracy
  • Models of governance and digital democracy
  • Participant experience in community systems
  • Narratives and stories about participation
  • Digital identities and democratic verification processes
  • Gamification and political engagement for participatory democracy
  • Ontologies of digital participation
  • Co-production models of free software
  • Productive ecosystems in the context of free software

Paper submission. An abstract/ summary of the Poster or the Communication of no more than 300 words (excluding bibliography) will be submitted online through

  • Communications. Authors of Communications accepted will be required to send a paper of more than 2000 words and up to 5200 words (including bibliography, tables & graphs).
  • Posters. Authors of Posters accepted should provide a Poster of 60 cm wide x 90 cm high.

Deadline. The deadline for submitting a proposal is 15 September de 2017.

Acceptance criteria. The abstracts will be accepted according to different criteria: theme (originality and suitability), content (quality and contribution to the Decidim project) and structure (clarity and design). It will be positively valued the clarity in presenting the problem, the objective, the methodology employed and the main results or conclusions obtained.

Publication and Contribution to #MetaDecidim Community. All accepted papers will be published online in the repository of publications of the Decidim (events minutes, Github repository and other media) and will have the option of being recorded in the JAM pill format.


JAM 2017

Paper submission

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