# JAM17: Presentations available

# JAM17: Presentations available

The presentations, videos and all other contents of the Second Annual Metadecidim Conference (#JAM17) are already on the web.

The Annual Metadecidim Conference is the conference organized by Metadecidim (the community of Decidim project), to share visions, goals and experiences and to meet users and communities, citizens and municipal politicians. It was held in Barcelona on 26, 27 and 28 October 2017 with the participation of Communication Networks and Social Change (CN&SC) research group of the IN3/ UOC.

#JAM17 was devoted to the topic “Technologies for a networked democracy”. This conference brought together several members of the Metadecidim community, some international and local Councils with outstanding projects in the field of political networks and citizen participation, such as Iruña and Helsinki, as well as Barcelona City Council, the government of Catalonia, the Barcelona Provincial Council and Catalan municipalities that currently use Decidim.

The conference was closed by the Digital Minister in Taiwan, Audrey Tang, who emphasized that the challenge is still to achieve the participation of citizens and the construction of spaces for collective designs and approaches such as Decidim.

The presentations are available on this link.

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