Keynote speech: Aging in Data annual meeting. 25 September 2023. Graz, Austria ehc_admin2023-09-272024-05-07 Title: “Data ageism: A critical exploration of high-quality data”. Co-authors Line Grenier & Mireia Fernández-Ardévol. As part of the annual...
Conference: “Who is algorithmic aware?” in Data Justice 2023 ehc_admin2023-06-202024-05-07 Sara Suárez-Gonzalo and Andrea Rosales, presented “Who is algorithmic aware? A quantitative study of the key factors determining the level...
Knowledge sharing activity: UOC at Barcelona Science Festival. Are there any limits to statistics? ehc_admin2021-06-132024-05-07 Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol, leader of the CNSC research group, will give a mini-presentation titled Les estadístiques tenen límits? at the Dades:...