Presentation: Older people, ICTs and case studies

Presentation: Older people, ICTs and case studies

Loredana Ivan visited the IN3-UOC as an activity of the Erasmus+ European Program and offered three seminar sessions to talk about her latest research.

The general topic of the seminars was older people and their uses of Information and Communication Technologies. The first seminar talked about the use of ICT by older people to communicate with family relatives, concretely with their children and grandchildren. The research inquired the communication forms and patterns between these generations accounting for differences depending on the residence of offspring (living in the same country or abroad), and draws upon cases from several cities (i.e., Barcelona, Bucharest, Los Angeles, Toronto, Montevideo, and Lima).

The second session was about the use of mobile phones by older people in Romania in particular.  The study focuses on the usage frequency and habits of these devices, the services they use, their history and experience in using mobile phones, and their perceived advantages and disadvantages. The third and final session covered the perceptions of risk in the use of mobile phones by older adults and compared media discourses and personal opinions in two contexts: Catalonia and Romania. Results revealed differing concerns among older people in both countries as well as varying media coverage and discourses on the risks of mobile phone use.

The first and third sessions were broadcasted live with streaming video. The links to view them will be provided soon.
