LAB Metadecidim: Researching models of democratic governance for new city scales (19/05/2017)

LAB Metadecidim: Researching models of democratic governance for new city scales (19/05/2017)

The third LAB Metadecidim session will focus on laying the foundations for a participatory action research aimed to explore models of democratic governance (supported by Decidim) for different territorial metropolitan scales.

In the current socio-economic context in Barcelona (affected by processes of urban financiarization, uncontrolled tourism pressure, the hyper-technologization of life, emergence of new forms of production and calls for sustainability) autonomy and social self-organization appears as a key step to go beyond the smart city model and towards a just, democratic city. In this context, new city-levels like Superilles, appear as a space for potential experimentation with democratic forms of life and collective action.

  • Friday, 19 May. 11:00 a 13:00.
  • Room 52.217 (2nd Floor). UPF (University Pompeu Fabra)
  • Roc Boronat, 138, Barcelona

Speakers:Miguel Robles Duran (The New School / Parsons School of Design), Laia Torras (Responsable de Participació d’Ecologia Urbana de l’Ajuntament de Barcelona), third speaker to be confirmed. Fila 0: Toni Salvadó, Director de Model Urbà de l’ Ajuntament de Barcelona and David Bravo, architect.

Information, registration and related assets available here.

LAB Metadecidim is an open and collaborative research space which includes monthly sessions aimed at local, national and international experts to address urgent issues challenging the Decidim project and networked democracy more broadly.