Innovation and technopolitical autonomy

This line of research examines the contexts of deep political transformations and several innovative initiatives of direct democracy and political disintermediation, as well as the role of technologies in these political transformations and some of their approaches.

The goals are (a) to analyze the interactions between digital technologies and democracy, especially focused on citizen participation; (b) design and develop participatory processes wherein technologies play a central role; and (c) analyze the participatory processes attending their complexity (personal-collective, physical-digital, citizens- institutions, among others).

The methodological and development approach includes agile software development; open and participatory design and development; situated knowledge and network approach; and a combination of methodologies such as quantitative, qualitative and network analysis.

Crosscutting axis: This research line intersects with the other lines in flexible ways, particularly in regards to innovative methodologies and adopting a critical perspective of traditional and new data analyzes and its social implications. In doing this, we seek to understand the limitations and opportunities of digital methods.

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Image by Julia R Tappa Palandri under a CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 license.