Media appearance:  The challenges facing the democratization of knowledge institutions

Media appearance: The challenges facing the democratization of knowledge institutions

CNSC group members doctoral student David Leal and Dr Juan Linares-Lanzman has written in IntraUOC News about the UOC’s new strategic commitment with Decidim, the digital participatory platform. The participatory process, which is deliberative and consultative in nature, will result in a strategic plan whose level of involvement will be subject to transparent monitoring over the next four years, thanks to the Decidim monitoring module. Authors trust that their experience with this platform will stand them in good stead to design and implement new participatory processes and a participatory culture that fosters the incorporation of collective needs, knowledge and interests in the institution in order to construct forms of deliberation, goodwill, intelligence and collective action to improve and strengthen the UOC’s ability to face its internal and external problems and challenges, both today and tomorrow.


Photo by Decidim