On Thursday 30 May, from 18:00 to 19:30, the Technopolitics unit of the Communication Networks and Social Change (CNSC) research group of the UOC’s IN3 is to present the white paper of the Decidim project with Joan Subirats, Rosa Borge and authors (two of them linked to this unit). The event will take place in the multi-purpose room (Sala Polivalent-U1.1) of Can Jaumandreu (Building U), c/ Perú, 52.
Registration closes on Tuesday 28 May at 22:00 h and can be done here.
The event will be held in person, with the presentation and discussion of the book: “Decidim, a Technopolitical Network for Participatory Democracy. Philosophy, Practice and Autonomy of Collective Platform in the Age of Digital Intelligence (2024, Springer)“. This work was published last February, taking advantage of the seventh anniversary of Decidim, a digital infrastructure for participation that was born in Barcelona in February 2017. Decidim is today a world leading digital platform for participatory democracy, built entirely and collaboratively with free software, used by more than 500 institutions and with more than three million people worldwide.
The book, published by Springer, under a free licence and available in open access, explains the philosophy, design principles and organisation of the Decidim community, providing essential information on how the platform works. The work is written by Xabier Barandiaran, Antonio Calleja-López, Arnau Monterde and Carol Romero, four key people in the project. In the book, the authors explore three general dimensions of the book: (1) the political – which illustrates the democratic model that drives Decidim and its impact on public policies and organisations, (2) the technopolitical – which explains how this technology is democratically designed and managed to produce and protect certain political effects, and (3) the technical – which presents the conditions of production, operation and success of the project.
The event will be presented by Marta Cambronero (CNSC, IN3-UOC), with the participation of Joan Subirats (Former Minister of Universities and UAB Professor) and Rosa Borge (CNSC Group Leader, IN3-UOC), together with the authors of the book Carol Romero (Localret Consortium and Decidim Product Coordinator), Arnau Monterde (Director of Democratic Innovation, Barcelona City Council), Xabier Barandiaran (University of the Basque Country) and Antonio Calleja-López (Coordinator of Technopolitics – CNSC, IN3-UOC).