An algorithmic awareness paradox?

Exploring the causes and contradictions of algorithmic awareness

Period: January 2023 – December 2023

Source of funding: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (Goverment of Canada) through the project Aging in Data

Principal investigator: Sara Suárez-Gonzalo – UOC – Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Collaborators: Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol – UOC – Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Andrea Rosales Climent – UOC – Universitat Oberta de Catalunya


The level of algorithmic awareness—that this project defines as the consciousness of and ability to understand how machine learning algorithms work, and why and how they influence sensitive aspects of life—is a critical factor of digital divides. The goal of this project is to examine whether and why the perceived level of algorithmic awareness associates (or not) with behaviours, knowledge and perceptions regarding algorithms, as well as with sociodemographic characteristics. The study, intergenerational and intersectional, is based on a mixed-methods approach and pays special attention to older people.
