Social movements and networked democracy

This line of research looks into the infrastructures, structures, and processes of the protest movements emerged worldwide in the wake of the financial, economic and democratic crisis in the current 21st century. In this scenario, we put a primary importance to the role of information and communication technologies.

Its goals are (a) to analyze the relationship between digital technologies and emergent social movements and its organizational,  communicational and political implications; (b) understand the interactions between different layers where the movements develop themselves and their evolution; and (c) identify the interaction between different scales of coordination-action of the movements and their scope.

The methodological approach combines different methods attending the open source information that the networked movements provide: social networks data, statistical data, interviews, websites, streams, pictures, visualizations, among others.

Our work in this line of research analyzes social transformation processes from a situated, experimental and interdisciplinary perspective, opening new narrative, analytical and practical territories.

Crosscutting axis: This research line intersects with the other lines in flexible ways, particularly in regards to innovative methodologies and adopting a critical perspective of traditional and new data analyzes and its social implications. In doing this, we seek to understand the limitations and opportunities of digital methods.

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Image by Pablo Villaraco under a CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 license.