Much has been said about how artificial intelligence (AI) systems reinforce stereotypes and discrimination, mainly because of gender, race or origin biases in the data they use, which are reinforced by machine learning systems. One notorious case was Amazon; the tech giant decided to stop using its artificial intelligence system for recruitment because it discarded women, just because the majority of computer scientists have so far been men, which has influenced the way artificial intelligence is used for recruitment around the world. But what about the ageism of AI?
Read the article by Andrea Rosales and Juan Linares-Lanzman in the Journal of Information and Communication Sciences Studies:
ROSALES, Andrea; LINARES-LANZMAN, Juan. «Sí, les ‘apps’ de cites discriminen als usuaris grans». COMeIN [en línia], abril 2024, no. 142. ISSN: 1696-3296. DOI:
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