Seminars: Lorenada Ivan on older people and ICT ehc_admin2015-06-252024-05-07 Loredana Ivan will offer three seminar sessions as part of her acitivities as visiting Scholar at the IN3-UOC. These seminars...
Conference: Papers at HCII 2015 ehc_admin2015-05-112024-05-07 CN&SC got two papers accepted in the 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction 2015. HCI International 2015, the 17th International Conference...
Presentation: Communication media in a Guaraní community ehc_admin2015-05-112024-05-07 Subjugating or empowering? The dual role of mobile communication media in a guaraní community in greater Buenos Aires Presentation by Sarah...
Presentation: Olders on mobiles ehc_admin2015-05-112024-05-07 No country for old men? Analyzing older people’s attitudes towards mobile communication Presentation by Francesca Comunello and Simone Mulargia at...