Seminar: Castells versus Bell

The Communication Networks & Social Change (CNSC) research group of the IN3 is pleased to invite you to the online seminar: «Castells versus Bell: Preliminary Notes on Two Grand Theorists of the Information Age», given by Prof. Alistair Duff, External Examiner at Aberystwyth University, Emeritus Professor of information policy at Edinburgh Napier University and Visiting Professor at the IN3’s Communication Networks & Social Change (CNSC) research group. 

Venue: Online
When: 07/05/2021 14.00h



Professor Manuel Castells and the late Daniel Bell are the two thinkers who have done most to unlock the information age. This presentation will explore the common ground (e.g. both ex-Marxist, both accused of technological determinism, both ‘switchers’ between the academic and political circuits), before pinpointing some ways in which their positions seem to differ (e.g. over politics and culture). These are preliminary thoughts only and it is hoped that much time can be devoted to discussion.

Alistair Duff

Visiting professor at the IN3’s Communication Networks & Social Change (CNSC) research group, working on a project entitled ‘Castells versus Bell: a Comparative Analysis of Two Grand Theorists of the Information Age’. He is an external examiner at Aberystwyth University and emeritus professor of information policy at Edinburgh Napier University. He was previously a visiting fellow at the Oxford Internet Institute, where he wrote A Normative Theory of the Information Society (Routledge, 2012). He holds degrees from the Universities of London, Glasgow and Strathclyde.

To take part in this seminar, please contact Prof. Duff at