Seminars: Lorenada Ivan on older people and ICT

Seminars: Lorenada Ivan on older people and ICT

Loredana Ivan will offer three seminar sessions as part of her acitivities as visiting Scholar at the IN3-UOC. These seminars are organized by CN&SC and are part of an Erasmus+ mobility agreement.

Some details of the sessions are the following:

  • Elders and the ICT use to communicate with children and grandchildren

Date: Wednesday, 8th July 2015
Time: 10:00 AM CEST
Abstract (excerpt): In this research we explore elders’ incentives to go online and use Internet services to communicate with children and grandchildren when families are living apart. We base our discussion on the empirical evidence gathered in a set of depth interviews with people aged 60 and above, in Romania. The results show that talking with children and grandchildren when families get separated is an important motivator that “pushes” elders to learn more about the use of ICT. Grandmothers are primarily responsible for maintaining family communication and relationships using information and communication technologies. ICTs provide important incentive for grandparents to engage with social media to share photos and news from children and grandchildren, especially grandbabies. This session will be broadcasted through live streaming video.



  • Older people and mobile communication in Romania

Date: Thursday, 9th July 2015
Time: 10:00 AM CEST
Abstract (excerpt): Using semi-structured interviews with older people (60 years of age and above) in Bucharest and rural areas from Romania, we describe the ways older individuals incorporate mobile phones in everyday life communication practices, and the motivations supporting these decisions. We looked for habits and behavioral patterns in mobile phone use, the history of using different devices and perceived advantages and disadvantages. Also we explore the relationship between different devices (landline, mobile phone, Internet) showing that older people are based their use on a utilitarian approach, and they tend to switch from a device to another to balance for costs and benefits.



  • Seniors, risks and mobile communication

Date: Thursday, 9th July 2015
Time: 03:00 PM CEST
Abstract (excerpt): The growing of elderly population is a challenging topic, particularly in Europe, where most of the countries are expected to reach 30% of the population over 60 years in 2060 (Eurostat, 2011). The so called “grandparent boom” is expected to follow a different pattern in Western and Eastern European countries. The higher percent of elderly is nowadays in Western European countries where the ageing growth started in the 20th century and slowly progressed. However, the new demographic projections show an eastward shift of the ageing process, with Romania and Latvia estimating to reach the highest median age after 2040.



Header image by Quinn Dombrowski under a CC BY-SA 2.0 license

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