#metadecidim: Symposium/Hackathon November 25-26

#metadecidim: Symposium/Hackathon November 25-26

We are pleased to inaugurate the I Participative Symposium/Hackathon of the platform decidim.barcelona next November 25 and 26, 2016.  #metadecidim is a participative process of the City Hall runned-platform decidim.barcelona that is open to the general public, and is aimed at the collective design of the platform’s features by the citizenship. The end goal of the process is the appropriation by citizens of the development, supervision and improvement of the platform.

Researchers from Tecnopolítica and CN&SC, in conjunction with the Directorate for Research, Development and Innovation of the City Hall of Barcelona, have participated in the platform decidim.barcelona right from the beginning. We participated in the devising of the idea and collaborated in the development, release and monitoring of the participatory process of the Municipal Action Plan (in Catalan, PAM). The PAM obtained an unprecedented rate of participation, achieving 42.000 registered citizens, 10.859 proposals, and 165.087 supports (positive votes).  The platform’s official website offers detailed information and visualizations of the results of the process.

For the current event, the City Hall opens for the first time the design of the institutional software to allow the participation of the general citizenship. The program includes the following presentations and sessions:

  • Welcome session, carried out by Gala Pin (District Councillor of Ciutat Vella and Councillor for Participation and Districts) and Francesca Bria (Chief Technology and Digital Innovation Officer).
  • Keynote speeches by Róbert Bjarnason (citizens.is) and Silvia Luque (Fundació Ferrer i Guardia).
  • Formative sessions on: introduction to decidim.barcelona; technopolitical issues; participatory processes and democratic functionalities; software, design, and communication; and data analysis for democracy.
  • Several workshops on: group functionalities; direct democracy and popular initiatives; participatory processes; participation and territory; participation bodies; privacy, security and digital rights.
  • Hackathon on: development and web design; user experience; gammification; and datathon.


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