#JAM17: Second Annual Metadecidim Conference (26-28/10/2017)

#JAM17: Second Annual Metadecidim Conference (26-28/10/2017)

Towards a network of democratic cities and organisations: Reconsidering and redesigning Decidim in an open, transparent and collaborative way.

We have the pleasure to announce the Second Annual Metadecidim Conference (JAM17) devote to the topic “Tecnologies for a netwowrked democracy”, which will be held in Barcelona on 26, 27 and 28 October 2017.

Metadecidim is the community of Decidim project, which is a common’s free and open project and infrastructure promoted by Barcelona City Council. Besides a Free Open Source Software, the project involves: documentation, design, training courses, a legal framework, collaborative interfaces, user and facilitation communities, and a common vision. Decidim is already being used in several Catalan municipalities.

The conference will feature international and local councils working on citizen participation and sharing similar approaches, such as Iruña or Helsinki, with outstanding projects in the field of political networks and citizen participation. Other institutions are also invited, such as the Generalitat of Catalonia and the Barcelona Provincial Council, together with Catalan municipalities who currently use Decidim.

The JAM emerged in 2016, in the first Metadecidim community meeting with 300 people. It is the place to meet users and communities, citizens and municipal politicians, the place to share visions, goals and experiences.

Researchers from CN&SC/ IN3 group have participated in Decidim since the beginning of the project in the design, development, release and monitoring. We believe that in the promotion of a truly democratic and participative city, Decidim has a role to consolidate public-commons, open, free infrastructure, as a community project that aspires to be a device and a model for political transformation.

  • Date: Barcelona, 26, 27 and 28 October 2017
  • Place: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Edifici Vèrtex), pl. Eusebi Güell, 6, 08034 Barcelona
  • Registrations and programme: https://bcnparticipa.cat/decidimjam/en/







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