Andrea Rosales is Associated Professor, at the Communication Studies of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, in topics related to big data, data analytics, and data visualization in social media. Her research focuses on the challenges of datafied societies, the impact of stereotypes and design biases on automated, algorithm-based decisions. She explores how it impacts data justice and power distribution particularly, but not only, regarding age-based discrimination (ageism), and how automated decisions deprioritize, disregard or disempower minorities and disadvantaged collectives by not considering their values, interests, and habits.
Contact: arosalescl (at) uoc (dot) edu
Current projects:
Finished projects:
- Emotional robots
- Ageism in the era of datafication
- Older audiences in the digital media environment: A cross-national longitudinal study
- Longitudinal analysis of smartphone usage
- COVID-19: Technology, Social Connections, Loneliness & Leisure Activities
- BConnect @home
- ACT Project
- Ageism and social media through the lens of Media ideologies
- Grannies on the Net: Barcelona and Cali
- Smartwatches, adoption(s) and appropriation(s)
All Publications: