New publication: Perceptions of age in contemporary tech

New publication: Perceptions of age in contemporary tech

Dr. Andrea Rosales and Professor Jakob Svensson authors a new paper about how age is perceived among tech workers and how it could influence everyday digital products’ design. The open-access paper was published in Nordicom Review, a journal that contribute to a wider understanding of media, mediated communication, and journalism. First, the authors analyze the influences of tech culture in relation to age. Then, building on 18 interviews with tech workers in big and small tech companies from different countries, they discuss what is considered old in tech culture, what are the expectations about tech workers depending on their age, and how the work environment influenced tech workers depending on their age. The results show how ageism is reinforced in contemporary tech culture, making it more difficult for tech workers over 35 to remain relevant in the industry.


You can find the new paper here.

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